Quaid e Millat Maulana Syed Mahmood Ashraf Ashrafi al Jilani


It can be said without any fear of contradiction that Khanquahe Ashrafia Hasania Sarkar-e-Kalan Kichhawha Sharif has become internationally famous since Ala Hazrat Ashrafi Miyan (R.A.) having proficent learned man and spritual personallity as Sajjada Nashin and Wali Ahad Janasheen in every period. That is why, when we look at Wali Ahad Janasheen's since Hazrat Moulana Syed Ahmed Ashraf, it becomes quite clear that have been eminent savants of Islam and enlightened spritualist worhty of attaining dignified post of Sajjada Nashin. Every Wali Ahad Janasheen has rendered great service to the missions of Hazrat Makhdoom Simnani (R.A.). Now Hazrat Quade Millat Moulana Syed Mahmood Ashraf is the Wali Ahad Janasheen of Khanquahe Ashrafia Hasania Sarkar-e-Kalan deserving this celebrated office in every respect. It will not be improper if we study his life and works going on for the mission of Hazrat Makhdoom Simnani (R.A.) not only on national level but also on international platform with utmost zeal and determination under the banner of Hazrat Makhdoom-ul-Mashaekh Hazrat Moulana Syed Mokhtar Ashraf (R.A.).

Name : Syed Mahmood Ashraf
Father : Hazrat Maulana Sayed Izhar Ashraf Sajjadah Nashin
Grandfather : Hazrat Moulana Sayed Mokhtar Ashraf (R.A.) Sajjadah Nashin
Mother : Bibi Nuzhat Fatima (R.A)
Date and place of birth : Born in 1963 at Kichowcha Sharif
Title : Quade Millat
Descenedant: He is the 39th descendant of Hazrat Mohammed (P.B.U.H.)


Syed Mahmood Ashraf S/O Syed Izhar S/O Ashraf Sayed Shah Md. Mokhtar Ashraf, S/o Syed Md. Ahmed Ashraf S/O Syed Ala Hazrat Ali Hossain Ashrafi S/O Syed Saadat Ali S/O Syed Qualandar Baksh S/O syed Torab Ashraf S/O Syed Md.Nawaz S/O Syed Md. Ghous , S/O Syed Jamaluddin S/O Syed Azizur Rahman S/O Syed Mohammed Osman S/O Syed Abul Fateh S/O Syed Mohammed S/O Syed Mohammed Ashraf S/O Syed Hasan S/O Syed Abdur Razzaque Noorul Ain S/O Syed Abdul Ghafoor Hassan Jilani S/O Syed Abdul Abbas Ahmad Jilani S/O Syed Badruddin Hasan S/O Syed Alauddin Ali S/O Syed Shamsuddin S/O Syed Saifuddin Yahya Omudi S/O Syed Zahiruuddin S/O Syed Abu Nasar Mohammad S/O Syed Abu Saleh Emaddin Nasar S/O Syed Tajuddin Abdur Razzaque S/O Syadna Ghosul Azam Mohiuddin Abdul Quadir Jilani S/O Abu Saleh Moosa Jangi Dost S/O Syed Abdullah Jeelani S/O Syed Yahya S/O Syed Malik S/O Syed Daud Malik S/O Syed Moosaljun S/O Syed Abdullah ALlmahaz S/O Syed Hassan Mosanna S/O Syed Imam Hassan S/O Syed Ali Murtaza husband Of Syeda Fatema Tuzzohra daughter of Mohammad Mustafa Sallalaho Alaihe Wasallam.


Bismillah Khani : (Beginning reading in the name of Allah)

I feel myself highly privileged to say that his 'Bismillah Khani' was unique, historic and unmatched in the Khanwadai Ashrafia. His father Shaikhe Azam performed first Haj in 1967 with his family and children. Luckily, Janab Moulana Syed Mahmood Ashraf attained the age of Bismillah Kahni in Madina Monawwarah . Md. Mujtaba Hossain Machipuri was also with him . He narrated to me that Moulana Syed Izhar Ashraf was very glad on that day as his son and would be Wali Ahad will start Bismillah in Masjide Nabwi before the holy prophet of Islam (S.A.W.). He invited Hazrat Moulana Ziauddin Madani, (renowned sufi and Alim of his time, for performing the tradition of Bismillah Khani of his son in Masjide Nabwi before Mawajehe Aqudas Moulana Syed Mahmood Ashraf was dressed in Arabian dress and went to Masjide Nabwi with his father and other dignitaries. It must have been an impressive and attractive scene that a blooming flower of Hazrat Makhdoom Simnani (R.A.) was going before Mohammad Arabi Sallallaho Alaihewasallam to start his Bismillah Khani. A large gathering assembled to see a little boy clad in Arabian dress and a small book in hand. Hazrat Moulana Ziauddin Madani taught him Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim (In the name of Allah the most merciful beneficient). He repeated it unhesitantly Hazrat Moulana Madani and Shaekhe Azam prayed for his perfect knowledge and bright fortune. In fact nothing can be greater than this sublimity and Loftiness of luck that he started his education from Masjide Nabwi.


Primary Education

In those days Madrasa Ashrafia Izharuloloom Machipur Bhagalpur was on the peak of progress. Its Shaikhul Hadith was Imame Maqulat and Manqulat Moulana Md. Suleman sb (R.A). His father, Hazrat Shaikhe Azam sent him in this Madrasa for primary education under the guidance of Moulana Suleman sb (R.A). He was very brilliant from his childhood. He completed Nazra of Quran and Urdu writing and reading within two years .From the very beginning he was a grave, thoughtful and well behaved student . His classmates and children used to call him Peer saheb.


A Unique Childhood

His Childhood at Machipur was very attractive and unique. His sitting, walking and way of talking was different from other children. His bright future and greatness was writ large on his forehead. He used to say prayer with his classmates and playmates in the mosque. He had made it compulsory for every child of the village to go to Masjid. If any child failed, he would be punished by him sometimes he essembled the children in the field and lectured asking the children to pray and not to tell lie. He looked as a leader of children. Wherever he went, a large number of children followed him with caps on their heads. Every child called him Peer saheb. He also played with them but left playing to hear Azan (call for prayer) and rushed to Masjid with children. The tendency of leadership was from very childhood. Once Hazrat Makhdoomul Mashaekh Hazrat Moulana Syed Mokhtar Ashraf Sajjadah Nashin (R.A) was coming to Machipur. He called all children and asked them to put on good dress and go ahead to welcome his grandfather. He led the children with little flags in their hands. They went up to Jamsi village. No sooner did he see his grand father in Jeep than he started slogan followed by children . The slogan was Sarkare Kalan Zindabad and Makhdoomul Mashaekh Zindabad ''. Seeing him standing on his way with flag, Hazrat Sarkare Kalan (R.A) smiled and stopped the Jeep and asked him to sit beside him. At last, they reached at Madrasa Machipur and Hazrat made him sit beside him and asked about education.

A strange virtue which everyone noticed in his childhood at Machipur that, he had miraculous effect in his tongue. The ladies of the village thronged in the house of Haji Mujtaba Hossain where he lived and asked for Tawiz (Amulet). He gave writing something on the piece of paper even he did not know writing well. One day I asked '' what do you write on piece of paper''. He said ''I write Makhdoom Kam Hojai (wish be fulfiled) and nothing else''. In fact, his Tawiz had effected and difficulties used to be vanished. This is not exaggeration but it is a fact, which even today everyone knows here. In short, his childhood was neat and clean predicting his greatness in future.


Education in Moradabad

From Machipur, he went to Jamai Naimia Moradabad for higher education. He gained Arabic education under the guidance of Mufti Moulana Habibullah saheb (R.A) for one or two years. After this, he left Arabic education and went to Faizabad for gaining modern education. He passed secondary, graduate and also completed postgraduate from Lucknow University.


Education at Jame Ashraf

After obtaining the degree of university, he turned his attention again to complete the course of Darse Nezamia in Jame Ashraf . He completed it in five years and became proficient in theology.


Turban of Honour

In Jame Ashraf, convocation for awarding Dastare, Fazilat and Degree of Fazile-Nezamia is held on 27th Moharram every year. He received his turban of Honour in 1410 AH by Hazrat Sarkare Kalan (R.A)

He tied up the turban on his head followed by Hazrat Shaikhe Azam and other dignitaries. In fact, it was a very impressive scene as Wali Ahad Janashin's son was being honoured with the turban of honour. Hazrat Shaikhe Azam was very glad to see his son being honoured with the degree of Fazile Nezamia from Jame Ashraf founded by him
Baito Khelafat: - Hazrat Shaikhe Azam Sahebe Sajjadah Khanquahe Ashrafia Hasania made him his disciple in silsila Alia Quadria chishtia Ashrafia. He obtained the permission and Khelafat of silsila Alia Quadria Monawwaria Mamarya from his grand father, Hazrat Moulana Syed Shah Mokhtar Ashraf Sajjadah Nashin (R.A)



It is a fact that character is the most important factor in the formation of personality without which it looks hallow and of no importance. Hazrat Quaede Millat Moulana Sayed Mahmood Ashraf is endowed with sound and refined character and attractive behavior. In the world of mysticism, this virtue has great importance .In the construction of his outstanding personality; Hazrat Makhdoomul Mashaekh (R.A.) played an important role. Every element of his character and behavior is shinning and has the glimpse of Akhlaque Nabwi (morality of the Prophet). His purity of character has ingredients of kind heartedness, humbleness, obedience to elders, kindness on youngsters, hospitability and sincerity. He has a soft corner in his heart for needy and helpless. That is why he who came in his contact could not help being impressed with him. He does not loose heart and courage even in difficult situations. As a result of his nobility, purified morality and appreciable character, he has made his distinctive position not only in this country but in abroad too. May the Faiz of Hazrat Makhdoomul Mashaekh continue on him and name and mission of Hazrat Sultan Makhdoom Simnani ( R.A.) A) may go on spreading every where by him.


Special Caress and Kindness of Sarkare Kalan (R.A.)

As Ala Hazrat Ashrafi Mian (R.A) loved his grand son and endowed to him all his spiritual earnings of life, in the same way Hazrat Sayed Mokhtar Ashraf Sarkare Kalan (R.A.) loved him beyond imagination and endowed him everything he had. Wherever he went he mentioned him with great love and affection. He used to say Moulana Sayed Izhar Ashraf was of weak health and so many responsibilities of Khanquah and Silsila. He further told that Moulana Mahmood Ashraf was farsighted, wise, zealous and sincere capable of discharging responsibilities. Once Hazrat Mahmood Ashraf fell down in lucknow and his backbone cracked. Hazrat Sarkare Kalan went to see him but could not stand before him long to see his pitiable condition and tears rolled down from his eyes. He wanted to cancel all programmes but Hazrat Shaikhe Azam consoled him and told to go on programme. He went to Maligoan but was restless. He used to say that he had come leaving Mahmood Ashraf on bed. He Sent one thousand rupees from there and wrote a letter in which he mentioned that he had prayed to Allah to have mercy on his old age. Hazrat Quade Millat has kept this letter in safe custody.

After availing the degree of Darse Nezamia, he hesitated to attend function and go on programme, Seeing his hesitation, Hazrat Sarkare Kalan (R.A.) called him and said ''Go out on programme, I am with you ''. Since then, he began to attend programme everywhere. Every one was attracted to see and listen to his speech. Within short period, he has become an international figure with the special kindness of his Shaikh.


Responsibility of Burial and Sowam and Chehlum

Before his death Hazrat Sarkare Kalan had private conversations with him and told many secret things and directed to be careful inthusiatic in discharging the responsibilities pointing that a storm would arise after him and subside. He trained him for future course of action. As his faith in him had become very strong, so he entrusted all his responsibilities of burial and Fateha Sowan and Chehlum. He handed over box of coffin and money for Fateha Sowan and chehlum. Everyone amazed to see that in presence of dignitaries Sayed Mahmood Ashraf was entrusted with all these responsibilities. It was nothing but to show everyone that Mahmood Ashraf was his beloved grandson having the extraordinary capabilities to take any responsible work .Of course, according to his wish and faith, he did everything to the entire satisfaction of Shaikhe Azam, members of Khanwadai Ashrafia and followers of Silsila.


A Distinguished Personality of Sub Continent

It can be said without any fear of contradiction that his personality is distinguished and eminent amongst the learned youths of his family. His personality is composite of inherited virtues, blessing of Hazrat Shaikhe Azam and above all kind attention of Hazrat Sarkare Kalan (R.A). He does not boast of his own merit and endeavour in the construction of his attractive personality rather says its credit goes to Hozur Makhdoom ul Mashaikh whose kindness and blessing took me out from the pit of demoralization and made reach on the height of greatness and popularity. Infact, his attractive personality attracts the youths everywhere. His philosophical thoughts and mystical ideas impress every one. He Seldom appears on the stage with the elder of his family but his diary is full of programme throughout the year. The impact of his dignified personality is not only in this country, he has travelled abroad taking the candle of the mission of Makhdoom Simnani (R.A.) Every where he has brought revolution in thoughts, ideas and ways of thinking resulting deep attachment with the missions of Khanquah and Jame Ashraf etc. Sarkare Kalan (R.A.) was highly impressed with the gravity of personality and ability to find out solution of any problem. Once bad elements wanted to create disturbances is the Khanquah and Jame Ashraf. A great tension was prevailing in the campus of Khanquah and Jame Ashraf. Hazrat Makhdoomul Mashaekh (R.A.) too was restless to see the horrible situation .But Hazrat Quade Millat overcame it with his farsightedness and capability to tackle the situation . To see his maturity of brain and skill said, "Now I have full faith that Mahmood Ashraf will come out successful with the responsibilities of Khanquah Ashrafia Hasnia and Madrasa". About him, Hazrat again expressed this impression before Dr. Sayed Mazahir Ashraf Ashrafi Jilani (pakistan) in these words.

"My grandfather had seen the Wali Ahad of Wali Ahad. I not only saw Wali Ahad of Wali Ahad but witnessed his positive works, I am going from this world satisfied because Khanquahe Ashrafia Hasania is in strong hand''. These impressions are enough to prove that towering personality has the splendor of his ancestors particularly Hazrat Makhdoomul (R.A.) Mashaekh


Journey for mission of Makhdoom Simnani (R.A.)

As his ancestors, he has been Journeying to different places for the propagation of the mission of Hazrat Makhdoom Simnani (R.A) sometimes with Hazrat Shaekhe Azam and sometimes alone. In the words of Hazrat Shaikhe Azam ''I was on the programme of Mauritius with Moulana Mahmood Mian. There was a not favorable environment. But Mahmood Mian overcame this entire situation and started attending Jalsa (Function) after Jalsa. He made impressive and thoughtful speech daily. He Spoke in twenty eight gatherings of intellectuals and general public. I was highly glad to listen to his speech and attractions of the audience towards him ''so far I know he has journeyed Pakistan, Bangladesh, Srilanka, Mauritius, England, Holland, France, Germany and Arab countries like Syria, Iraq, Dubai and Iran etc. In this age and travelling of so many countries for the mission of Makhdoom Simnani (R.A.) is nothing but the miracle of Sayedi Mokhtar Ashraf Sajjadah Nashin (R.A.). He does never count his splendid achievement on account of his own merits but due to Faizan (bounties) of Makhdoomul Mashaekh (R.A.)

Nazime Ala of Jame Ashraf

Hazrat Shaikhe Azam, founder of Jame Ashraf, made him Nazime Ala of Jame Ashraf in 1996 with all powers and functions. After the assignment of this outstanding post, he made some emendmnments

In the syllabus, management and methods of imparting education keeping in view modern trend of education in Islamic world. He paid attention towards construction of new Darul Hadith and a large hostel for the growing number of students. He presented his planning before Shaikhe Azam and he got these building constructed very soon. Number of students has grown and day is not far off when there will be a need of another large hostel. He has strict eyes on the development of education. He does not hesitate to seek explanation from the teachers not completing the course. He also manages the sources of income without which it will be difficult to run Jame Ashraf. He seeks advice from Shaikhe Azam for every work. He does not take any step without his consent.

Future Planning's

Everyone knows that he is a man of dynamic personality always thinking new planning's for uplifment of Jame Ashraf and making the world acquainted with mission of Hazrat Makhdoom Simnani (R.A) in a modern way of communication. It is true that candle of mission of Makhdoom Simnani (R.A.) is burning everywhere but it needs to be reoriented and well organized. Far this, he is marching in this direction and day is not far off when the messages of Hazrat Makhdoom Simnani (R.A.) will reach to the door of the people in the whole world. His planning's are as follow:
1. Construction of Medical College.
2. Computerization of Jame Ashraf.
3. Girls Schools on Islamic Pattern.
4. Making the education of Jame Ashraf Job oriented.

Quade Millat and Bhagalpur

It is a well known fact that Bhagalpur in general, and Machipur in Particular, has been the centre of eminent personalities of khanwadai Ashrafia for a long time. Sometimes Ala Hazrat Ashrafi Mian, (R.A) sometime Hazrat Moulana Ahmad Ashraf Sajjadah Nashin (R.A) and sometimes Hazrat Sayed Mokhtar Ashraf Sajjadah Nashin (R.A.) have graced this area with their abundance bounties. What to mention of the benediction of Hazrat Shaikhe Azam, Quaede Millat Janab Maulana Sayed Mahmood Ashraf is not less than his ancestors in bestowing love and affection to the inhabitants of this area. Since his childhood, he has been coming here and blessing them with inexpressible kindness and graciousness. Every body of this area knows him well and are highly impressed with his impressive behavior and dashing personality which compels to bow down before him. He has accelerated the flame of the spiritual candle illuminated by his ancestors in this locality. To know his programme at Machipur, people from different area of Bhagalpur throng Madrasa Machipur to meet him and take his programme.

The people of this area can never forget his great beneficence (Ihsan) during communal riot of 1989 at Bhagalpur, which was so horrible that it drew the attention of the whole world. He had come here just one week before. He was to go home via Patna with me on 22 October 1989. But due to some reasons, programme was cancelled. Again he made up his mind to leave for home on 24th October 1989 but the news of communal riots at Bhagalpur spread everywhere just like wild fire. He could not go and communal frenzy went on increasing. The fire of riots had broken out all around Machipur. Everybody was looking at him for safety. He consoled everyone and asked not to worry, Hazrat Makhdoom Simnani (R.A.) would save this area. He convened a meeting of young's secretly and gave all direction to face the horrifying communal riot, which was about to take Machipur and its adjacent villages in its grip. With his farsightedness, he managed so that he created havoc in the hearts of non-believers. They were frightened to see at night a large number of men dressed in white and swords in hands. He did not sleep at night for more than two weeks and watched the main points of defense and gave direction. As a result of his courage and boldness to mention peace, the sane and peace loving Hindus began to meet him. His peace keeping role impressed the administration of Bhagalpur particularly army who were patrolling the area. In fact, had he not come here, the Muslims and Hindus of this area would have fought among themselves resulting in uncountable loss of lives.

In short, his appreciable role in the communal riots of Bhagalpur in 1989 has become a chapter of his life. It must be mentioned whenever the history of his life and works would be written.
I end with this couplet: